
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Waiting On Wednesday Updates

Hello beautiful people of the blogoshpere! Today is Wednesday, but as you can see, this is not a "Waiting On Wednesday" post. If you care to look at the post before this, it was my WoW post last week. Meaning, I haven't been able to put in some substantial blog content for the past seven days, and I aplogize for that. I don't want to be that kind of blogger who just posts memes or scripted weekly features, so I'd rather not post at all. Sorry for the weeks worth of inactivity. I have been distracted quite a lot, and I was really not in the mood to read lately, so my planned book reviews and posts did not materialize immediately.

Now, I am posting to give you a short update on the things I have been up to these past few days, the stuff that kept me busy and the distracted me from drafting blog posts, and the like...


I haven't done a lot of reading lately because I'm in some sort of reading slump. I pick up a book, read a few pages, and then put it down again and do something else.

Right now, I'm trying to finish two books: Clockwork Prince, which I already read a few years ago; and Siege and Storm.  It's taking me quite some time to get through Siege and Storm. I started this around mid-March, and until now, I'm still not done.

I just finished Illuminae last night, and it was a great read. Hopefully, the review will be up soon.

12:20AM update: Just finished reading #Illuminae, and... *speechless*
— reading brown matter (@callmeteepee) March 29, 2016


Sad to say, I am not up to date with the latest episodes of the television series I am watching these days, save for one or two. I have been neglecting most of them. Even though I don't want to, I just don't feel like watching them right now. The series (or Korean drama, rather) that I am actually watching and waiting for each week is Descendants of the Sun, and Page Turner. 


If you have read one of my previous posts about an online book community app, you probably know that I am kinda obsessed with it. I'm on it most of the time, just talking to people, commenting on reviews, recommending books and the like. It's called Books Amino. I am also on Swifties Amino and on K-Drama Amino. These three apps are the cause of my distracted state these days.

There is also another app that I am loving right now. It is called Legend, and it animates texts, like the one I did at the top of the post. It's so simple to use, and the designs and animations are great. You can save them either as GIFs or videoclips which can be used in blog posts or videos.

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