
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Stacking The Shelves (11): February 2016

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! Hosted by Tynga's Reviews.


Hello beautiful people of the blogoverse! This is my first Stacking the Shelves post this year. To be honest, I have not purchased any books since the year began because I have no money to spend on impulsive book shopping extravaganza. I am saving the little cash I have with me for something big. Hopefully, I'll be able to share that soon.

So, let's get on with it. Here is my February book haul...

These two books were free on Amazon when I got them.

Being Jamie Baker (Jamie Baker #1)by Kelly Oram

And these are the prizes I won from two separate giveaways.

I really wanted to own a copy of Illuminae because I saw how amazing the inside of the book was. And finally, I have it. Thank you to Tressa of Wishful Endings for the giveaway. Here's a glimpse inside Illuminae, in case you haven't seen it yet.

I also won a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Giving Journal from Ate Camelle of Home of a Book Lover. Thank you! It's a fancy planner (with coupons and neat things inside) that you get from collecting stamps from Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.
Here's a glimpse inside The Giving Journal

So, what do you think? See anything you like? You can leave your STS links below and share the books you got this week. Thanks for dropping by! 

For a more updated book haul and some bookish posts, check out my Instagram account:
@helloteepee. Thanks!



  1. The giving journal is really neat! i love the concept of that! and i have an ARC of Illuminae I never got around to reading that I still have to start soon! great haul! Happy reading and hope you are having a great weekend!
    Emily @

    1. I haven't read Illuminae either. But hopefully, it will live up to my expectations. :) Thanks for checking out my book haul.

  2. I really want to read Adulthood is a Myth. I really enjoy books like that and thought the Allie Bosch book was awesome. Great haul and I hope you enjoy your books!

    1. There's only a few days left until the release of Adulthood is a Myth. :) Hope you can get your hands on it as soon as it's released. Thanks!

  3. Fun stuff in your mailbox! I really enjoyed Illuminae. Happy reading.

    1. I hope I enjoy reading Illuminae as well :) Thank you!
