
Friday, May 23, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday (15)

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme
hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read!

Have you ever convinced someone to read a book, a series, or a whole genre? What book(s) and who was it? Did they like it?


YES, I have.

A few years ago, after reading and feeling mind-blown by The Hunger Games, I told some of my friends about it. They seemed really interested so they read it, and they loved it. One of them even finished reading the trilogy before me.

Just recently, I convinced one of my classmates to read The Fault in Our Stars. I told her how heartbroken she'll be when she finishes reading, and I promised her she'll love it. Then, she did. She read it, and I witnessed one fulfilling moment - my friend crying over the book. There were tears rolling down her cheeks while she read the last few pages of the book. And the best part, TFiOS is the first non-academic book she has read. I mean it, she said so herself. Reading books does not really interest her. But now, she's asking me what other amazing books I can recommend. This has to be one of my proudest and most fulfilling moments as a bookworm/reader... to spread the reading the reading habit and the love for books. I am so happy I made her read that.

Kindly leave your #FF links in the comments below
so I can visit and follow your blog.
Any of these will do. Thank you!
Follow on Bloglovin


  1. Our book club encourages reading just about EVERYTHING! We vote on monthly group reads to discuss. Sometimes we hate 'em; sometimes we love 'em. The most important thing is to have fun, right?

    I have read the Hunger Games trilogy but still haven't gotten around to The Fault in Our Stars.

  2. Loved both of those books and it was my daughter that convinced me to read them. We've bought a case of tissue in anticipation of The Fault in Our Satrs movie. So hoping it lives up to the book.
    New follower via GFC and bloglovin :)
    Here is our FF!

  3. Haven't read that, I'll have to check it out. I'm an existing follower on Bloglovin'.
    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  4. I recommend The Hunger Games a lot!

  5. The Hunger Games and TFIOS seem to be very popular answers. I haven't read the former although I told my sister too, who absolutely loved it. Same with TFIOS, although I did attempt it but somehow couldn't get into it, I'm a new Bloglovin' and GFC follower! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you had a great weekend!
    My Friday Memes
    Juli @ Universe in Words
