
Friday, May 16, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday (14)

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme
hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read!

Have you met a favorite author and have a picture? Share.

How I wish I could answer this question with a very big YES. But sadly, I have not met any author yet. If you count school textbook authors, then my answer will be "yes". YA authors or any fiction author, NO.

Its not that nobody comes here in the Philippines. In fact, a lot of  popular YA authors have been visiting the Philippines lately. There's Ransom Riggs and Tahereh Mafi, Veronica Rossi, Becca Fitzpatrick, Gayle Forman, Mitch Albom etc.. I would really love to attend their book events. I have read from other bloggers and seen from photos how packed the venue becomes, how fans line up to meet them, and how fun it looks. Circumstances just won't allow me to attend these awesome book signing events and meet these wonderful authors - the distance, the time, the cost, school.


Kindly leave your #FF links in the comments below
so I can visit and follow your blog.
Any of these will do. Thank you!
Follow on Bloglovin


  1. Not many authors come to my area either, that I know of anyway. Which is kind of weird since I live one city away from my state's capitol. You'd think there'd be more author events...

    My #FF

    New Follower via GFC, Twitter, Tumblr, and BlogLovin.

  2. I hope you meet someone soon. I'm an new follower on Bloglovin'.
    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  3. I haven't met any authors either.
    New follower on Twitter & Bloglovin'
