
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Armchair BEA Introduction

As the 2013 edition of Book Expo America gets underway in New York City today, the Armchair BEA team welcomes you to our fourth annual virtual conference! We're glad you're joining us to for the next few days, here and on Twitter, for networking, conversation about books and blogging, and opportunities to bring home some books--all without leaving your chair.
-- Armchair BEA Central.

This is my first time to join Armchair BEA. I'm a little bit nervous (I don't know why), but super excited for the upcoming activities/events. So, let's get this party started. :)

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? 
Hello! My name is teepee, a college student from a small city in the Philippines. I have had this blog since October of last year, but only started regular blogging January of this year. 
I have always wanted to own and manage a blog. But I never had the guts to start before because I doubted my ability to write articles, reviews or blog posts. Personally, I went into blogging because  like to get in touch with people who are of the same interest as I am. I also want to challenge myself with this “writing” thing.

Where in the world are you blogging from? Tell a random fact or something special about your current location. Feel free to share pictures. 
As I have mentioned, I am from the Philippines, particularly from the beautiful province of Albay. Random fact? Our house is about an hour away (by car) from the nearest bookstore. We live more or less 20 kilometers from Mayon Volcano. I wake up every day and see it through the window. It’s a beautiful scenery, and I love waking up to see it. 
Images from Google: See how small our province is. Don't be fooled by Mayon's beauty. It is an active volcano, and early this May we witnessed Mayon's phreatic explosion, spewing large amount of ashes and rocks all over areas near to it.

Here's an actual photo of Mayon Volcano with a some of my relatives.
From left to right: Cousins (the four girls), my sister, and my mother.
The others are just random people that happens to be there at that time.

Have you previously participated in Armchair BEA? What brought you back for another year? If you have not previously participated, what drew you to the event?  
No, not really. My blog is just new. But I have entered BEA giveaways from several bloggers before. And I'm really looking forward to the upcoming events Armchair BEA has planned.

Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.  
I am not a people person. I am usually awkward with new people. I don’t know what to say, or what to do around different kinds of people, so I usually stay quiet. I can't hold a conversation long, so I don't speak a lot. But you will not notice that when I’m blogging (well, maybe just a little).
What literary location would you most like to visit? Why? 
London, Paris, Ireland… Anywhere in Europe. I have always dreamed of going there. And in the several books I have read, characters adored these places. Always talking about the places they have visited, the food they ate… I would love to experience that.
Edit: I think I didn't quite get this right. Literary location? Like Narnia, Hogwarts or Neverland? If so, I'd gladly go with Peter  Pan to Neverland. But only for a visit. And speaking of Europe, there's one literary place I want to visit that is located in Europe. Idris, home of the Shadowhunters.


  1. What a view, and it looks to be active, no? Anywhoo, it's great to see bloggers from other regions participating in #ArmChairBEA I hope you enjoy your week! Have fun, and go visit and chat up other bloggers, I promise they won't bite!

    1. Yes, it is active. In fact, it just erupted early this may, phreatic explosion, just rocks and ashes. Beautiful but dangerous. :)

      Thanks for stopping by. I will.

  2. Welcome to Armchair BEA! It's nice to see people outside the US joining in! Hope you have fun!

  3. Oh my GOD!! That picture!!! OH MY GOD!! OH MY GOD!!! I want to go there!!!!!!! I saw you said it's active?!
    Jesus freaking clouds!!!! X_____X

    That's kind of nerve-wracking to think about!

    Anyway, happy to meet you!!! I'm a really regular follower of another Philipine book blogger :D We've been friends for 2 years now and we met thanks to the community so looking forward to following yours now.

    LOVE your blog :D So cute :)

    Awww shy? I am too!! So don't worry about it, being shy isn't bad. We can't help it if we're not a people kind person you know...

    Hope you enjoy your first time in Armchair BEA!!!!

    Here's my Introduction post for Day 1 if you'd like to stop by.
    Alba @ BookPics

    1. I just love your reaction!!! :D You are welcome to come here anytime. I'll gladly tour you around. :) Don't worry about Mayon Volcano. I have lived here all my life, my mother and father too, my grandparents, and maybe the people before them, and we haven't been harmed by Mayon at all. The residential areas are safe (I think. Hahahahaha)

      Happy to meet you too!!! I have been following you on twitter since last year (I think, I'm not sure).

      Thank you! I love it, too. Hahahahaha!

      Yeah, somehow. But I think a lot of bloggers are shy, that's why they just blog and interact virtually. :D

      Thank you so much for stopping by!! :D

    2. -blush- Sorry I came here to reply so late -life has been busy- BUT hehehe I guess my reaction has a lot to do with me loving photography AND how awesome that picture looks. ;)
      Lol!! They better be safe girl!! Those residential areas!

      WHAT?! No way!! You're joking!! Please tell me this is the first time we've ever talked if NOT then... EPIC FAIL won't even cover it. I'm bad with remembering what blogs are run from people I've met on twitter.

      Absolutely true. That's what I think too.

      Not a problem :D I loved your blog's name :D

    3. That's okay :) Yes, they are safe, i think. hahahaha!

      I''m not. hahahaha.. We haven't really talked because I rarely go online and I didn't have a blog before. But I know I am already following you since last yeat :)

      Thanks again :)

  4. Wow that would be awesome to wake up each morning and see that out your window!!!
    Hope you have a great Armchair BEA!

    Shan @ Curled Up with a Good Book and a Cup of Tea

  5. So many bloggers live in gorgeous areas :) All of these posts are making me want to travel! ;)

    I hope you're enjoying ABEA, have a great week!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! :) You are welcome to come here anytime :) Thank you!

  6. I love the view! Yes, that's me...I'm way shy in real life. That's why I do fairly well online. I can hide behind my computer screen. Hope you enjoy Armchair BEA!

    1. Glad to know that I'm not alone in the Shy Department :) Thanks for stopping by :)
