
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Summer Book Crush: Book Boyfriends Are Here!

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What would you say to over 80 titles with many undeniably-hot BOOK BOYFRIENDS that leave you wanting more? Yep, we've got you covered. The second annual SUMMER BOOK CRUSH event runs this year from June 19th through June 22nd. Don't miss it, or you will have to wait a full year for the next one! So many ways to fall in love with just a right BOOK BOYFRIEND! And the best part? You can purchase your dream Book Boyfriend for only 99¢ each, but for a limited time only.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Today, I Swear I'm Not Doing Anything

Hi! I just want to tell everyone that my classes has started last week, so expect a lot of creepy inactivity on this little blog. I have a class every day of the week, from Monday to Friday, and most of my free "home" time are spent doing school work and studying. Why? Because everyday is exam day. Well, not really. But just to be safe, I am assuming there will be an exam everyday. We really did have a terribly traumatizing exam on the first day of school, another exam on the second day, and another on the third day. Yes, three consecutive exams on the first week of school. What a very lucky week!

Anyway, see you around! I'll be back sooooooon!

And NO, I haven't watched The Fault in Our Stars yet. I want to, but I feel guilty spending money on a movie when I haven't even paid all my school fees yet.

Oh, look! School work! Very exciting and extremely enjoying! These are my review note, by the way.


**Please don't mind the title of this blog post. I just can't think of anything good to put there**

Friday, June 6, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday (17)

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme
hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read!

Hello there!!!
I am teepee, and this is my blog, Little Librocubicularist. This blog (and I) is so fortunate to have been chosen as one of the featured blogs this week. Thank you Parajunkee and Alison Can Read!

Interview Questions:

1. When did you start blogging?

I officially started blogging January last year. But the blogger account has been around since March 2011. It was just a requirement for a school subject we had back then. Then, I discovered book blogging and wanted to try it out. I reconstructed the blog on October 2012 and posted a some random book reviews from Goodreads. I realized how awful and disorganized the blog looks back then, so I remodeled it again. At the start of 2013, Little Librocubicularist has been officially born.

2. What is your favorite part of book blogging?

Getting and reading books, and people actually liking what I had written. I feel relieved and glad whenever someone comments on one of my reviews, or even give them likes on Goodreads, It's like an assurance that what I'm doing is okay (if not good), and I can continue doing it.

3. What type of books do you mainly blog about?

The blog is dedicated mostly to Young Adult books, and a few selected New Adult books as well. I read all genres of YA except horror, so expect a a diverse selection of books. But lately, I've been having a Contemporary fixation.

4. What are your favorite books?

Can we skip this question? It's so hard.

Okay, here are some of my favorite books

Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta is one of my favorite books. It has been one of the few books that has left me speechless after reading. Also, Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (I have not read Clockwork Princess yet) and My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. Flat-Out Love by Jessica Park has recently been added to my favorites list. There are a few more but I can't seem to remember... I feel bad for those who have not been mentioned.

5. What has been the best thing that has happened to you because of book blogging?

To be honest, getting books from authors or publishers is by far the most squeal-worthy moment I've ever experienced. It is number one on my list. And not far from the top spot is the part where authors actually acknowledge the things you said about their books. If getting books is squeal-worthy, this experience just blows my mind away.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Book Blitz: HE + SHE Release Day

He + She
By: Michelle Warren
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: June 2, 2014

HE is trying to piece together his broken life.

SHE is running away from her wedding day.

TOGETHER, their world is a beautiful lie.

APART, their world is a perfect mess.

He + She is a free spirited romance about soul awakening second changes, heartbreak, and hopeful beginnings.