
Monday, February 17, 2014

Blog Tour: BE WITH ME Book Spotlight

Be With Me
Published by: William Morrow / Harper Collins
To Be Released on: February 4, 2014
Series: Wait for Me #2

Teresa Hamilton is having a rough year—she’s in love with her big brother’s best friend, but he hasn’t spoken to her since they shared a truly amazing, mind-blowing, change-your-life kiss. She got out of a terrible relationship. And now an injury is threatening to end her dance career for good. It’s time for Plan B – college. And maybe a chance to convince Jase that what they have together is real.
Jase Winstead has a huge secret that he’s not telling anyone. Especially not his best friend’s incredibly beautiful sister. Even though he and Teresa shared the hottest kiss of his life, he knows that his responsibilities must take priority. He certainly doesn’t have time for a relationship. But it doesn’t help that all he can think about kissing the one girl who could ruin everything for him.
As they’re thrown together more and more, Jase and Tess can’t keep denying their feelings for each other. But a familiar danger looms and tragedy strikes. As the campus recovers, the star-crossed couple must decide what they’re willing to risk to be together, and what they’re willing to lose if they’re not…

BOOK BLURB: Be with Me (Wait for You #2)

Author: J. Lynn
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Number of Pages: 387
Date Published: February 4, 2014
Genre: New Adult Contemporary


Teresa Hamilton is having a rough year—she’s in love with her big brother’s best friend, but he hasn’t spoken to her since they shared a truly amazing, mind-blowing, change-your-life kiss. She got out of a terrible relationship. And now an injury is threatening to end her dance career for good. It’s time for Plan B – college. And maybe a chance to convince Jase that what they have together is real.

Jase Winstead has a huge secret that he’s not telling anyone. Especially not his best friend’s incredibly beautiful sister. Even though he and Teresa shared the hottest kiss of his life, he knows that his responsibilities must take priority. He certainly doesn’t have time for a relationship. But it doesn’t help that all he can think about kissing the one girl who could ruin everything for him.

As they’re thrown together more and more, Jase and Tess can’t keep denying their feelings for each other. But a familiar danger looms and tragedy strikes. As the campus recovers, the star-crossed couple must decide what they’re willing to risk to be together, and what they’re willing to lose if they’re not…

Friday, February 14, 2014

Spread the Love!

Yes, people! It's Valentine's Day! It is Friday, but it's not Single Awareness Day or Independence Day for people not in relationships. It's Valentine's Day for everybody. Let's stop being bitter and just spread the love. There are so many people (and books) to share the day with, like our friends, our family, or our fellow bloggers and bookworms. Relationship status is not really that important. As long as we are all happy and loved, everything's going to be okay. Yay!

Anyway, for those of you who are single and loving it, or those who proudly wear a no boyfriend since birth shirt, what did you do today? Or what are your plans?

Me? I paid some of the house bills which took so long because of the very long line; bought a few snacks while I was out and pigged out when I got home; read and finished a book: watched a movie; and went online to do some surfing. Sounds very exciting, right?

Monday, February 10, 2014

COVER CRAZY: GET EVEN by Gretchen McNeil Cover Reveal + Giveaway

Welcome to the the Official Cover Reveal for
Gretchen McNeil's GET EVEN (Get Even #1)
Release Date: September 16th 2014
Publisher: Balzer+Bray

Follows the secretive exploits of four high school juniors - Kitty, Olivia, Margot and Bree - at an exclusive Catholic prep school.

To all outward appearances, the girls barely know each other. At best, they don't move in the same social circles; at worst, they're overtly hostile.

Margot Mejia – academically ranked number two in her class, Margot is a focused overachiever bound for the Ivy League. 

Kitty Li – captain of the California state and national champion varsity girls' volleyball team, she's been recruited by a dozen colleges and has dreams of winning an Olympic gold medal.

Olivia Hayes – popular star of the drama program, she's been voted "most eligible bachelorette" two years running in the high school yearbook and has an almost lethal combination of beauty and charm.

Bree Deringer – outcast, misfit and the kind of girl you don't want to meet in a dark alley, the stop sign red-haired punk is a constant thorn in the side of teachers and school administrators alike.

Different goals, different friends, different lives, but the girls share a secret no one would ever guess. They are members of Don't Get Mad, a society specializing in seeking revenge for fellow students who have been silently victimized by their peers. Each girl has her own reason for joining the group, her own set of demons to assuage by evening the score for someone else. And though school administration is desperate to find out who is behind the DGM "events", the girls have managed to keep their secret well hidden. 

That is until one of their targets – a douchebag senior who took advantage of a drunk underclassman during a house party, videotaped it on his phone, and posted it on YouTube – turns up dead, and DGM is implicated in the murder.

Now the girls don't know who to trust, and as their tenuous alliance begins to crumble, the secrets they've hidden for so long might be their ultimate undoing.

And now, may I present to you the cover for Get Even!*drum rolls* 

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars + Divergent Movie Trailer

Who will play who?
One of the most critical parts of recreating a book into a movie, aside from filming it as close to the story details as possible, is the casting. It is also one of the most awaited moment by the fans during the pre-filming phase of the movie. Not only is it hard to find the right actors, but it is really hard to impress the "already established fan base" of the book. If you don't come close to their dream cast, all hell will break lose on every social media site.

The Siblings, The Lovers

When Shailene Woodley was casted as Tris in the upcoming Divergent movie, I had really no objections. Even with the other casts, I feel okay with them. I don't see them as the Tris, Four, Jeanine or Caleb in my head, but I think they will be able to pull it off. Even the other fans seem to agree because I haven't read any extreme hate towards the cast. They even freaked out when Kate Winslet  was chosen to play Jeanine. So the Divergent movie is almost good to go!

But imagine my surprise when I found out that Shailene (Tris) was also chosen to play Hazel Grace Lancaster in the TFiOS movie.Wow! She has landed the most talked about roles in the YA booksphere. (BTW, she will also play Mary Jane in the sequels of The Amazing Spiderman movies. Lucky girl!) My shock did not end there... Ansel Elgort, the one playing Tris' brother, Caleb, in Divergent, will be Augustus Waters. I was like, "WHY?" I do not "not like" him for the role, I just can't imagine how I'm going to see him as a brother on March, and as a lover on June. It's going to be a slightly awkward movie experience. But I'm still hopeful that these actors will play their parts well, enough to make me forget that both of them played other roles in other movies.

If you haven't seen the movie trailers yet, here they are:

The first trailer released for the Divergent movie was not good. It did nor persuade me  to watch the movie. It was all about Tris and Four's love story and all those mushy stuff. But this one is good, better. It tells the what the movie is about. It is interesting and intriguing, Thank God the trailer became better.

This trailer made some fans shed some tears. Really!  It was great. And based from the trailer, the movie team paid attention to the book details, and the scenes shown were actually recognizable from the book. Clap clap clap!

P.S. I did not mean to rant about the cast here.. but it came out as it is.
P.P.S. Divergent will be on movie theaters in March this year, and TFiOS on June.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Stacking The Shelves (8)

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! Hosted by Tynga's Reviews.


Since I only buy zero to one book per week, I have decided to do my "Stacking the Shelves" post once a month only - every last Saturday of each month. My January post was supposed to be last Saturday, January 25, but my monthly haul was not complete at that time. I was still expecting a few books, so I decided to wait until today.